Work in Progress... "Crow" painting

Work in progress...

"Crow" Work in progress

I have been working on this little painting for the last couple of days (minus the holiday). Above is the painting completly blocked in with the first layer of color. If it is dry by morning I will work on the second/final layer of color in the background. Once finished this painting is slated to travel to GalleryOne in Mentor, Ohio for the 19th annual Masterworks in Miniatures exhibit. I need to finish it by friday... YIKES!!!

While working on this painting I have been recording the process and creating a few short "Works in progress" videos. The "Under drawing" stage is in two parts, both parts are under 10 minutes long, and are now on the RL Caldwell YouTube channel. You can watch them below... Enjoy!

Work in Progress... "Crow" painting, Under drawing, Part 1

Work in progress... "Crow" painting, Under drawing, Part 2


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