The limitations of our materials

Color mapping, Part 2 My road to how I taught myself color theory and how to mix paint . So awhile back I started writing about my process of finding and mixing color, which I call “color mapping.” Now that I am teaching and find myself explaining my color mixing process almost on a daily basis to my students I thought I should start sharing it here as well. First off as I mentioned in the Munsell posting , I basically taught myself color theory by reading several different books, each one teaching me something different. The most important thing that I learned right off the bat was that we as artists have to learn to work within the limitations of our materials. With that said the book by Michael Wilcox “Blue and Yellow Don’t Make Green” showed and explained to me the beginning of my understanding of color theory. As you well maybe know the light that reaches earth is made up of several different electromagnetic wave lengths. The ones that we are interested ...