Two in the making...

These are two small portrait pieces of a male & female orangutan that I have had stirring around in my head for awhile now. I have been wanting to create another primate piece ever since I finished "Contemplation (Chimpanzee)," you can see so much emotion in their expressions and that makes a lot of fun to draw or paint. The female orangutan is the same little lady that so graciously posed for my "Jojo" drawing -- she's such a ham, she actually poses for pictures!

Initially I had planned to do these as paintings and as many of you know I always start with a detailed drawing first but I am on the fence right now whether or not to call these finished or to move on to the next step and start painting them. I have only created one other graphite on gessoed board before, "Backscrather," and I really liked the way it looked so I am giving it some serious thought to not paint these.



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